Welcome to Our Lady & St Joseph’s Catholic Church!

We are all asking questions about life, it’s not about knowing the answers, it’s about working it out together. We know that lots of people haven’t found church a welcoming place – and we want to change that. So whoever you are, you are welcome to join us on the journey.

Fridays during Lent

Mass at 6.30pm

Fridays at 7pm - Stations of the Cross

Mass Times


8am (said)

10am (contemporary sung)

12pm (solemn sung)


Monday 6pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am Friday 6.30pm.

Saturday 12noon


Saturday’s at 11am (ending with Benediction at 11.50am)

Weekdays: See our newsletter


Saturdays at 11am

(or by appointment)

Ring office: 020 7254 4378

to arrange appointment

Join us for Mass on YouTube

Sunday at 10am

To request Mass Intentions please contact the Office


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